Internet, Intranet, Web
Content overview
Internet, its architecture and its design philosophy; user-level protocols: file transfer, email, usenet; web and its technologies: HTTP, HTML, DOM, CSS, CGI, PHP (with DB interaction), JavaScript, XML, XPATH, AJAX.
- Introduction to the course. Slides [PDF].
- Lecture I - Technologies and protocols for application communications. Slides [PDF], notes [PDF].
- Lecture II - World Wide Web: standards, protocols, documents. Slides [PDF], notes [PDF], and a funny bonus: HTTP reply codes and cute cats [JPEG].
- Lecture III - CSS and server side technologies. Slides [PDF], notes [PDF].
- Lecture IV - Client side technologies. Slides [PDF], notes [PDF].
- Practice I - Mail, OpenPGP, version control. Assignment [PDF].
- Practice II-V - Web application. Assignment [PDF].
Development environments with Apache + MySQL + PHP:- Bitnami LAMP (cross-platform, does not need administrator privileges),
- XAMPP (cross-platform),
- EasyPHP (Windows only),
- MAMP (Mac OS and Windows only).
- Last year written test [PDF].